Preschool 1 Class

August 27 – August 31

This was our first week (officially) in Miss Christy’s Preschool 1 class. Selah June loves her new class and all of the kids returning from summer break. Justin Blalock came back, and he’s still her boyfriend. But by Wednesday she was married to Gage and pregnant with a baby. Then I realized who Zander is… Zander Vandevere… who we call Zander Banderbear because we can’t really pronounce “v”s.

In our new class, we get to put our sheriff’s badge that says our name on it on the chore we want to help Miss Christy do for the day. This week, Selah June helped with snack, helped with the mats for nap time, helped recognize acts of kindness, and was a safety officer. As a safety officer, she watched for kids playing on the playground and told them to slow down if they were running too fast.

This morning was a precious reminder of the complete blessing she is in my life. I gave her a big hug before leaving her at school. She said without prompting, “I love you, Mom.” And she walked me to the door. She likes to open it and see me out. As I was leaving she said, “Have a good day at work today, Mom.” I turned around and smiled and said, “You too! at school!” To which she replied, “I love you, Mom.” And I nearly cried.

You say things enough times, and some of it actually sticks.